Friday, January 24, 2014

day 21!?

Wow what a week!!!! Its been a long ( and a good!) couple of. Filled with running, working, learning, and fun!

Ill give a quick rundown ( so I can go to bed ASAP…ya I know it’s only 8:30 I’m becoming more and more like my dad ;-) )


On Wednesday, we had a Platies lecture/ platies session with Janice Dulak. This was FACENATING!!!! She is a dressage rider, and a dancer. So she combined the two and created different exercise that simulates what the horse is doing when they use there topline, and that uses lingo that horse riders understand. let me tell you it takes a lot of CORE I relay enjoyed her take on platies.

We also went to Kim’s (the owner of HG) PRE party and watched the show as well as enjoyed some great food. It was a lot of fun to just go and hang out as friends with the WIT group!


Thursday I had a lesson with Andrea Landis. She focused on me ( and man did I need it!) she is very good at spotting things I do that make it hard for Leo. she asked me questions like how can I except him to be consistent if I’m not? I enjoyed the perspective she had! She also lead the morning workout which was fun! ( we had music! Yes! Made it much more fun!)


Today was a long day, I think it’s just because we are all so wiped out from the week! But it was good as well. In our lesson we got given ONE draw rain (made of blue baling twine) and run though Leos nose band. This tool gave me the stability I needed to help Leo come through. He ended up fighting himself, not me. It was really cool the difference it made!

Oh and we went and watched the GP freestyles! So cool!

All righty….time for me to hit the hay!

A shout out to all of you at home….sorry your freezing! Drink some coffee and stay warm!


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