Tuesday, February 4, 2014

day 33...or is it 34???

Leo and I  are doing well know I know…I did it again, sorry guys!!!


Today was a good day! We had a WHOLE DAY lecture from two representatives and practitioners of the Masterson Method. Wow it was relay cool!

The Masterson Method is a way of massage that works with the horse through GENTLE touch, allowing them to release tension. It relay builds the bond between you and horse, and I could tell a big different in Leo when I hit spots that were tight, and then after he replaced them. The cool part was that sometimes you did not even need to touch the horse! I relay enjoyed it and will defiantly use the techniques I learn!

On Sunday, we went to Catharine Haddad’s farm to watch her training day. It was an incredible learning experience! She is a talented rider/trainer that has competed at GP both nationally and international. She showed us 8 horses, all at different levels of training, and talked us through what would be a typical training day for them and why they each did what she had them doing. She also talked to us about one of her past grand prix horses, Cadillac who was as spooky and unforced as could be, and what she said gave me some ideas for Leo! I relay enjoyed seeing yet another side of the dressage world. One of my favorite things that I took away from seeing her ride, was the pure joy on her face as she rode, it was inspiring to see that even at that leave, with that amount of time in the saddle simply riding her horse still make her grin!! I love it!


Oh, and a little on my personal workouts….I joined a gym ( first time ‘yall….) so I’m going to be doing some class ! It will be my “therapy” away from the barn! I’m existed!

I also saw today that there are some national shows at Global in March….should I shoot for one!!!!!??????

Oh! And I FINLY laid out in the FL sun on Monday!!! Ya working on my tan!

Alrighty….night all!


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