Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 6


Today started off well. we had an interesting lecture by Laura King, about how to relax. (Relaxing helps your ridding!) She is being kind enough donate her time to us the entire three season. I am interested in seeing what she has to say, and how it affects riding.

That however, was the up part of the day. When I stared to groom Leo for our lesson, I discovered that he is extremely sore through his back. L   Because of this we had lunging lesson. Did you guys know that lunging a horse correctly is just as complex as ridding one!? I have now found a new skill that I want to perfect! The rest of the day was filled with watching people ride, and dogging the rain


We are trying to figure out what the problem with Leo's back is (I have a feeling it is my saddle, he has changed so much since it was last fitted) . Pleases send us lots of prayers as I try to find the problem and fix it!


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