Monday, February 24, 2014

im still here!!!!

I did not realize how long it’s been since I blogged! I apologize guys! Wow….time flys.


So I will just give you a rundown on this week, kind just whatever popes in my head!!

My lessons this week have been great! I feel like everything is coming together in my head, and in Leos strength, and it’s all “clicking”!!! So existing to finely feel like a “dressage RIDER!”…ok I’ll tell you about yesterday’s lesson now, cuz it was so awesome!!!

Yesterday we FINLY had everything click. We warmed up and then started in on the canter work, and while cantering across the diagonal is still messy, we no long want to swap leads at X! After that we played with some lateral work and THEN, when we went back to trot Leo was coming round, and through, he wanted to stretch down when I offered it! he was using his topline and I could SEE ( ok I looked down….) his shoulders being lose and free swinging!  And we got a “he is almost too deep!!!” ( that has been the goal the entire time, to have Leondn be able to say he is to deep)  By the end of the ride Ledon looked at me as asked where THAT came from! It was so cool, like all the pieces of everything I have been learning ( about how a horse muscles move and work, riders position plays a big part, all my lessons, as well as watching great riders) came together  and clicked! :D   


Ok now back to telling you about my week!

This week I was the barn manger, which means that I was the first to the barn in the mornings ( at the barn by 6:00), and often the last to leave!! Let me tell you, it’s been a LONG week!!

But its been a good week! We got to sit in on a Jan Blinks clinic, and as I said last week, I LOVE the way he teaches!

We had a lecture by Dr. Does on KT Taping, as well as chiropractic. We pulled out one of the horses and ALL evaluated him, and how he moved, and then Dr. Does adjusted  him and taped him with kinesiology tape. KT tape is an adhesive tape applied to the skin. It provides support for muscles, aiding in pain relief, as well as “showing” the muscles the correct poster and alignment for them to move.  It was so cool to have her point out the muscles in a horse and how they work for what job, as well as when they are tight how it effects how the horse works. After our demo horse got adjusted and taped we all watched  him move and saw a huge improvement! Dr. does also was kind enough to tape all of us!!! I got my neck and shoulders taped for pain, as well as a “shoulders back” training tape. Loved it! All my pain went away, and I could tell ( and others commented) on my poster in the saddle!!!! So cool


This weekend was the Youth Dressage Championships at gobble. We had three pepole from the program riding in it and it was so fun to go watch and support them! ( they all did well!) there were also lectures, and a party ( with a DJ!!!) that us WITies got to attend! On top of that there was a show at White Fences that two of our riders were in, so we went to watch them, and also volunteered at the show! What a weekend Hu??


Well, those are some of the “cool points” from this week!!! I WILL  be more diligent in my posting!


OH! something else that is cool, the WIT program, (and sometimes me) have been mentioned in several articles around the web!!! So cool to see this awesome program being put out there and getting noticed! I hope that other young riders hear about it, and apply!



Sunday, February 16, 2014

Half way point….


Hi all! So I’m hoping you saw the quotes… stuff hu? So to go on with the rest of my week.


Happy bleated valentine’s day ‘yall!!! I must say…I kinda get into valentine’s day, I even went as far as to bake ( red velvet oreo brownies…. Also named “those awesome sinful things”) and I wore…salmon!!!! ( almost pink)

It was a vary good day, it was hack day, ( Fridays) so some of us set up a Jumping lesson across the street with Miranda. I pulled out my jumping tack, and we had a lot of fun knocking off the dust and playing around! I must say, Leo is a much better dressage horse then jumper! There were these butterflies…. he kind of had a little fit over them! such a diva… ;) Haha! It was good for us to go have some fun though!


We also had a lecture by Jessica Ratter. She talked to us about how to define our goals, and how to lay the bricks down in order to achieve them. She had some really good points, and the way she laid it out made the whole thing about thinking about the “next step”  much less scary!!!



 Our lesson was good! we busted out a little bit of lateral work, London said “your horse really does not mind going crooked at all!!!” ha-ha as funny as it is its true (both a good, and a bad thing)

Yesterday we spent the day at the Global Dressage Forum North America 2014. (we are taking turns, half of us went today, and half  will go tomorrow)

There were many speakers, and presenters who talked about he spore of dressage, and its growth. This was followed by presenters!

Jan Brink ( from Sweden) work with a young horse, as well as teach a young rider. Jan has a vary nice since of working with the young ( both people and horses) and I loved how he displayed throw his riding and talking that the young in the sport should be both nurtured, and pushed past there “safety” zone!


Then Christilot Boylen and Udo Lange  spoke and rode for us.  One of the things I really took away from hearing her talk, and watching Christilot and Udo ride was the importance of TIMEING and precision. Timing is everything! In any movement, of your timing is off, your horse will not do it correctly! All in all it was an excellent day, and I enjoyed seeing and listening to the “movers and shakers” of the dressage world!


Today- started off with an early lesson. We worked more on counter canter! The most existing thing was the Lendon said that Leo is now at the point were he is though enough to start working on making him a dressage horse!!! so existing to see how far he has come! ( oh and did I menschen, Friday was also the half-way point of the program!! Wow, I cant believe I've been here 6 weeks! Crazy hu?)  

Since the other “wave” of WITs went to the Form today, I had an easy day. So I went to Wal-Mart…. Man, people in there are CRAZY!! They’re zooming around with their shopping carts like it’s the high way! ( and they re crazy on the high way as well!) ya…that was an experience to say the lest! But I made it out alive, and got what I needed!


Well time for me to go watch a movie! ( tomorrows my day off, so I feel like I can stay up a little later tonight!)

Oh and not to rub it in or anything…but I’m going to the beach tomorrow!!!! Whoot whoot!




As Promised!

 The Charles De Kunffy quotes!
 I must repeat it, I really enjoyed listing to this man speak on dressage, and on dressage philosophy ( it must be the fact that I had so much philosophy thanks to PEP). I’m just going to list some quotes I jotted down, they’re in no particular order!  Some of the things he said were also quotes form philosophers, and other teachers.

~ “riding is a display of ones inner-being” ( he talk a lot about how you treat a horse shows what kind of person you truly are, how correct riding teaches people so much more then how to sit on a horse, it teaches them life-long values.)

~”you cannot have a relationship with someone who does not notice you, that is why your horse MUST be focused”

~“canter is the gate of power.”

~“ Excellence is a life-long pursuit, not a onetime act”.

~“do not try your best, do your best. You are what you do, do what you are”.


Pretty cool hu?? Those were some of my favorite!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New stuff!!!!

So today, I’m going to tell you about my lesson yesterday, and then give you the down lode of today!

We finally reached a point where I can get off the 20 meter circle and work on some “cool stuff”!! Yes!

So after working on thoroughness…we went and started what will be the first step to counter canter!! a half diagonal to centerline. I enjoyed the exercise, and I think Leo liked the new challenge as well.  it is cool to start to see his brain really work on what we are trying to do. And anyone who knows Leo knows that when we are cantering is the best!!!

Also just as a note that made me happy- (The little things in life J  ) I found out I can get the kids meal at the local Pei Wei…. and be full…yes I’m talking about my dinner. You guys know me! I love food!




Today was sweet! It started with some good sprints, which are always fun, and tend to put me in a good mood!

Our lesson was good. I feel like Leo and I are almost there, its clicking with him. We worked more on canter, today focusing on being able to keep the lead all the way across on diagonals.  Also, we did our vary first clean walk to canter!!!! Did you know that the beats if the walk matter in the timing of your canter aids? I didn’t! I could not help but bust into a grin the first time it worked!  Crazy stuff right there. ;) also a little trick to riding the diagonals we used was to ride towards centerline, but let him “drift”  so you are really riding the diagonal bent towards the lead your on!  Leo is a fun horse to show new stuff, he tries his best to understand what I want ( giving me everything he can think of when offered a new question) but he also does not let me make ANY wrong moves!


Today’s lecture was by Charles De Kunffy, on dressage theory. Wow, I LOVED hearing him talk! He brought us all back to the basics of what dressage is, it is a living art! We also herd about how a horse is a riders mirror, in many ways, they not only show how you ride on a “scientific” level, they mirror what KIND of person you are as a whole. He talked about how horses teach people to be mature and responsible adults. Used quotes from the Greek philosophers, (thank you PEP for making me read them!!) as well as some great story’s to show how good riding is applicable to all of life.   I have so many quotes from this lecture today, but sadly I left my note book at the barn!!! So in fear of miss-quoting, I’m going to have to give them to you guys tomorrow!! (don’t worry, I won’t forget, we are going to listen to him tomorrow as well, I can’t wait!)


Ok, well its off to bed for me! ( my bed time gets earlier and earlier as the week goes on!)



Monday, February 10, 2014

ok...another download....

HI guys! So a “picture update” is about due…get ready!

The rest of the week went well!

On Thursday We had a very informative lecture by Renee Isler (she sponsored me through the Dressage Foundation.) Renee is a very smart woman and she had a lot of good information about getting sponsors, keeping a budget, and building resumes! She is also having us wits all come up with a fund raising idea! On Thursday, the best idea is going to be chosen and we are going to do it!! I’m so existed! I’ll tell you guys our idea….after the “competition” is done. ;)


Friday was a FUN and vary full day. For fitness we all loaded up ( literally. In the back of a pick up!) went to the park to create a workout! I must say…try planking on a tire swing…its not easy!

Friday we also went to audit a Conrad Schumacher Clinic at Nancy Later’s. he showed us how to ues poles and classical dressage to strengthen  a horses back, and help supple them! it was really cool!


Saturday  we went to the track! That’s right! David Nunn let us come and wach him work his horse! I was so cool to see how the track works, and what they really do back there! I must say I came away with some fresh ideas to use when I ride OTTB!

Saturday we also had a schooling show. Since in our lessons this week, we have been focusing on toughness, Leo and I did training 2 to test out how we are doing. It was a good ride, and we got a 66%.  Also our judge, Lisa Hyslop, told me to think of riding Leo through with my seat, lower back and legs, up  into my hands. And to think about filling his withers up with enrgy. Putting it this way relay helped!


Sunday ended up being a “ esay day” as Lendon came down with a cold!!!  We all hacked, and I ran some errands. I also attended my vary first Zumba class! Ha-ha it was a blast! ( although keeping up was interesting…)


Today was good I got to sleep in!!! ( 6:30! Whats up!?)


Well its off to the gym before night check…ill talk to you guys latter!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

day 33...or is it 34???

Leo and I  are doing well know I know…I did it again, sorry guys!!!


Today was a good day! We had a WHOLE DAY lecture from two representatives and practitioners of the Masterson Method. Wow it was relay cool!

The Masterson Method is a way of massage that works with the horse through GENTLE touch, allowing them to release tension. It relay builds the bond between you and horse, and I could tell a big different in Leo when I hit spots that were tight, and then after he replaced them. The cool part was that sometimes you did not even need to touch the horse! I relay enjoyed it and will defiantly use the techniques I learn!

On Sunday, we went to Catharine Haddad’s farm to watch her training day. It was an incredible learning experience! She is a talented rider/trainer that has competed at GP both nationally and international. She showed us 8 horses, all at different levels of training, and talked us through what would be a typical training day for them and why they each did what she had them doing. She also talked to us about one of her past grand prix horses, Cadillac who was as spooky and unforced as could be, and what she said gave me some ideas for Leo! I relay enjoyed seeing yet another side of the dressage world. One of my favorite things that I took away from seeing her ride, was the pure joy on her face as she rode, it was inspiring to see that even at that leave, with that amount of time in the saddle simply riding her horse still make her grin!! I love it!


Oh, and a little on my personal workouts….I joined a gym ( first time ‘yall….) so I’m going to be doing some class ! It will be my “therapy” away from the barn! I’m existed!

I also saw today that there are some national shows at Global in March….should I shoot for one!!!!!??????

Oh! And I FINLY laid out in the FL sun on Monday!!! Ya working on my tan!

Alrighty….night all!