Well I’m home…you guys had a hard winter hu??? it’s crazy to
see that outside Wellyworld, everything is still in hibernation!!! (its going
to be 36 tonight….not cool!)
I wanted to write a blog summing up in the WIT program….. while
I would love to tell you guys EVERY little thing I learned, there is way too
much for me to write out( and I still have to unpack)!!
I’m going to start with saying that going through the WIT
program this winter changed my life. It opened my eyes to the world of dressage,
and to the professional world of equestrians. I learn so much about ridding, theory,
horse care, and what being a professional rider relay means. Leo and I both
grew and learned much more then I would have thought possible! Coming away form
a winter of being in the middle of the dressage seen, I know for a fact that
there is where I want to be!
This amazing experience would not have been possible without
the major support team I had!
I want to say THANK YOU.
Thank you mom and dad, for making it passable for me to go
to FL (for surviving the winter here!) and for always doing everything you can
to make my dreams reality.
Thank you Lendon Gray, for teaching me so much, for opening
doors, and for becoming a role model for me.
Thank you Kim Boyer, for opening your home to us WITies!! Being
at HG all season was truly an amazing experience!
I want to thank Renee Isler and The Dressage Foundation, for
supporting me.
Leo and I want to thank Rachel Chowanec, for helping us in
our training!
Thank you to all the amazing people who donated there time
and skills to teaching us to the best of their ability! Thank you!
Ok, now to the million dollar question, WHAT ARE MY
PLANS!??? ( cue the lights)
My plans for this summer are to train and show (we are going
to shoot for regionals this year!). I am going to be in OH at my barn, giving lessons,
ridding, and training (give me a call if you are interested!). I am also going
to be raising money for whatever the future holds for me. (I am hoping to go
back to WIT next year, if it all works out!) My long-term goals, I hope to be
able to do Young Riders with Leo. oh and sometime in the middle of all that I am
planning on doing school.. ( ya that’s important..)
As this adventure ends, I am keeping my eyes up and looking forward
to the next one!
oh, no worries, ill keep you guys up-to-date on what I'm doing!